Plant of the Month: Muhly Grass
October 15, 2020
Our February plant of the month is the Japanese Magnolia. You may have had the pleasure of seeing this plant in Gainesville, it's hard to miss this time of year. The bright blooms that cover the tree are a real treat in the middle of winter. The Japanese Magnolia flowers in January and February and is a truly extraordinary sight! Blooms of this sturdy tree can be pink, white, purple, or
red. They are delicate, fragrant, and they give a mid-winter pep to otherwise drab landscaping.
The Japanese Magnolia is a great choice for Florida landscaping. They thrive in partial to full sun, are tolerant of high temperatures and naturally resistant to pests and disease. Cultivars are available in small and large sizes and vary from short shrubbery styles to single-trunk tree styles. You can work with a landscape designer to choose the right type of Japanese Magnolia to add to your yard or garden. Once they're established, these trees will reward you with a gorgeous splash of color to your winter landscaping for over a hundred years to come.
While we may not be experiencing a Polar Vortex here in North Central Florida, we are not exempt from the doldrums of winter. Adding Japanese Magnolia to your landscape design can help bring a welcome burst of color to a dreary day. Talk to the experts at LawnMore about incorporating this and any questions you have about caring for your landscaping, through the winter and beyond.
For small projects, large renovations, and maintenance agreements for homes and businesses of any size, we’re ready to do an excellent job for you.